Exams are coming soon!
So I guess this will be my last post for a very very long time
(aiya as if I never post for a long time liddat)
I need to revise soon..
cuz need to act guai b4 father comes home!!!
hehe.. and need to revise la
which reminds me..
I very long nvr play piano already...
I think I'll practise tomoro...
hopefully...but 2moro should be a very busy day
cuz need to complete lit hw
To tell u the truth
but I don't agree on the point about the teachers giving a specific
question and its answer..
and in the end we have to memorise the whole chunk of words!!!
Literature should be about expressing one's self
If we read a text.. (e.g Macbeth) Shouldn't we be given the liberty to make our own points to answer the teacher's questions?
Or is the education system in Singapore really stiff?
I believe that students should be given the chance to discuss some possible solutions to answer some questions pertaining Macbeth and such...
So, if I believe in all this, why am I not collaborating with the teachers?
The answer is simply because
I hate my Literature teacher.
she talks so over-confidently
she cracks lame joke tht the whole class will give her the wtf look...
she asks her students to do HER work
her actions tell me that she is totally heck-care abt our results and streaming
and worst of all
She bullies her students and is the most unreasonable person that I have ever come across in my entire life
K.. I shall not talk abt her anymore...
Just wanna wish everyone the best of luck for their exams!
yeah! GAMBATTE!!!
the world comes to life~
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